golden eagle

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golden eagle

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:33:51

英 [ˈɡəuldən ˈi:ɡl]

美 [ˈɡoldən ˈiɡəl]

golden eagle基本解释



  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释

golden eagle的近义词


1. large eagle of mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere having a golden-brown head and neck

Synonym: Aquila chrysaetos

1. golden eagle什么意思

1. 鹫:在草原上空有鹫(golden eagle)、草原猎鹰(prairie falcon)、山地蓝知更鸟(mountain bluebird)盘旋. 化石 有着相当丰富种类的化石. 鱼类有鲨鱼、白鲟、雀鳝等. 两栖类有蛙、蝾螈等. 爬行类有蜥蜴、龟、鳄鱼等,以及恐龙. 另外还有鸟类和哺动物的化石发现.

2. golden eagle的翻译

2. 金雕:鹰鹫渐渐多了起来:又一只锈鹰栖在电线杆上,两只金雕(Golden Eagle)的幼鸟在山脊上空翱翔,还有一只美国国徽上的白头鹰(Bald Eagle)停在树上,傲视四方.

  • 临近词
Then, golden eagle came out, lonely chanted among my palm prints.(然后,金雕出现,在我的掌纹间孤独歌吟。)
If you're lucky, a splendid golden eagle may soar into view.(幸运的话,一只金色雄鹰会跃入视线。)
There is a golden eagle sculpture in the church. Many strange instruments on the wall and they can make very big noise. There are many seats for people to rogation under the platform.(教堂里有个金鹰像,墙上还有很多奇怪的乐器,它们可以发出很大的声音,在演讲台下有很多供人们祈祷的座位。)
The fact that the golden eagle usually build its nest on some high cliffs renders it impossible to obtain the eggs or the young birds .(事实上,金鹰通常把巢筑在很高的悬崖上,要获得鸟蛋或幼鸟几乎是不可能的。)
Hunters in Kazakhstand use tame golden eagles to catch foxes. The liver of the fox is given to the eagle as a reward.(Kazakhstand的猎人们靠驯服的金雕猎取狐狸,抓到猎物后狐狸的内脏被作为金鹰的犒赏。)
As a result, South Korea's T-50 Golden Eagle aircraft suffered a second defeat, following a loss last year in a trainer jet competition in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).(最终,韩国的“T-50金鹰飞机”遭到了第二次失败,这是继去年在阿拉伯联合酋长国(uae)的喷气教练机竞争中失败后的再次失败。)
The fact that the golden eagle usually builds its nest on some high cliffs renders it almost impossible to obtain the eggs or the young birds.(金雕通常在高高的悬崖上筑巢,这使得金雕几乎不可能得到鸟蛋或幼鸟。)
Examples include the golden eagle and the sturgeon. Both are occasionally seen in England but no longer breed here.(例子便是鹫(goldeneagle)和鲟鱼(sturgeon),这两种生物还时不时地在英格兰地区出现,但是已经不在该区域繁殖了。)
A lamb was seen headbutting a golden eagle who was trying to grab it, according to the Outer Hebrides bird report of 2009.(根据外赫布利斯群岛地区2009年的鸟类观测报告,曾有人看到一只羊羔用头部撞向一只试图抓住它的金雕的情景。)
Bokonbayevo, Kyrgyzstan, October 18, 2008 — a Kazakh hunter releases his golden eagle during a competition in this town 186 miles (300 kilometers) from the capital of Bishkek.(吉尔吉斯斯坦,Bokonbayevo,2008年10月18日——在这个距离首都比什凯克186英里(300公里)的小镇,一个哈萨克猎人在比赛中放飞手中的金雕。)
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